Ready to hire the best Electrician services in Orlando? In conclusion, appropriate installed modern dimmer switches and the proper bulbs can make a big difference in your home or business by creating added aesthetic appeal, and also by cutting you’re spending every month. Very few of our clients ever go back to a regular light switch once they’ve experienced the many benefits of a dimmer. Are you ready to make a difference in your energy bill? Orlando Electrician Service is willing to help you make the best choices in dimmer switch installation. We can answer all your lighting and electric questions with the professional and friendly service that we’re famous for; contact us today for a quote on your project. When dimmable switches first came on. They were designed to dim lights solely for the visual appeal; in other words, the thought of energy consumption was not a high priority. In fact, the dimmed bulbs used just as much electricity. Those were fully illuminated. As the power that would have been used for light was simply turned into heat. However, as time going new design allowed dimmer switches to monitor how much electricity was entering the bulb, and this has become even more perfected in modern lighting units. Today, modern dimmable switches can make a significant difference in your energy bill by decreasing the amount of electricity that flows through your lights. When it comes to light bulbs, it is prominent to not only know which types are efficient but also which variety is safe when used with dimmable switches. This on CFLs and Halogens or LEDs, bulbs that are not designed to be dimmed can create problems ranging from shortened bulb life to potential electrical fires; that said, dimmable CFLs or LEDs are typically the best choices for both function and efficiency. At Orlando Electrician Service, we recommend LEDs. Because it produces the least amount of heat while emitting quality light that retains stabled color even when dimmed, thus making it a favorite choice; they also rank among the most energy-efficient bulbs available. A potential problem with LEDs the presence of a TRIAC semiconductor in your home. TRIACs are devices that create a pulse of electric current rather than a steady flow. This was a method of reducing energy usage, and it works well with incandescent lighting, but it can be damaging to LED bulbs due to the way they utilize electricity. There are a few LED drivers that are designed to function compatible with TRIAC semiconductors available through various manufacturers. Using recessed electrical components is the modern way to deal with unsightly electrical annoyances in an attractive, efficient, and practical way. If you’re living in the Phoenix, why not give the area’s number one licensed electrical service a call to arrange for conversion or installation of some or all of these recessed electrical components? The staffs at Orlando Electrician Service are safety-oriented, licensed, bonded insured electricians that serve the Orlando and surrounding areas. We treat every one of our customers with respect and the utmost in professional service.